
What does your baby want to tell you? You can find out – even before your baby can verbally speak – by using baby sign language. Signs of a Happy Baby: The Baby Sign Language Book gives you everything you need to start signing with your baby:

• How to link signs into your everyday activities so you can discover why your baby is crying, whether it’s because something hurts, she’s hungry, or she wants her diaper changed.

• What to do when your baby is frustrated and you don’t know why. Signing gives pre-verbal babies a way to communicate and can later ease the tantrums of the “terrible twos.”

• Inspiration from stories from parents on how baby sign language eased mealtime battles because children could sign what they wanted to eat and when they were all done; built bridges in bilingual families; and created early signing conversations about what the child was fascinated by, like trains, balloons, dogs, and more.

• An extensive photo dictionary of more than 100 American Sign Language (ASL) signs.

Plus, each chapter includes a bit of parent coaching so you can discover how signing with your children helps to build better communication, better understanding, and better bonds between you all.

Signs of a Happy Baby is available at your favorite bookstore and online at Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Chapters, Powell's, and on

It’s super easy to learn baby sign language and we'll show you the way in our book, Signs of a Happy Baby. What your baby has to say will blow you away!

Happy Signing!
Bill White & Kathleen Harper



What people are saying about Signs of a Happy Baby ... 

Everything You Need to Know Neatly in One Place
“I really enjoyed signing with my first baby very early on. When she was just four months old we started with the basics, and by around seven months she was signing back to me. Baby sign language made it so much easier to communicate with my daughter before she started speaking verbally, especially around meal time, and I really got to know my daughter’s likes and dislikes, interests and ideas. Signs of a Happy Baby places everything you need to know about signing with your baby neatly in one place, including great tips, a comprehensive photo dictionary of signs, and lots of ideas on how to include baby sign language into your everyday routines. It’s a great resource to have on hand and I’m looking forward to using it with my next child as well!”

Leah Busque, Executive Chairwoman and Founder, TaskRabbit

Magic, for Real

"Baby sign language is, as my five-year-old would say, ‘magic, for real.’ Not only is it the ultimate tantrum-tamer – via being able to communicate needs and wants prior to verbal ability catching up – it is also a tool for mindful, gentle discipline: less frustrated toddlers lead to less frustrated parents. It helps little ones share their fears and hurts, as well as what excites them, long before they can speak verbally. Harper and White have written an inspirational and helpful resource for parents to help them learn how to foster early communication with their children through baby sign language.”

Sabrina Freidenfelds, MPH, IBCLC, Founder of Then Comes Baby, a pregnancy and new parent resource center in Oakland, California

The Paramount Educator in his Field
“Baby Sign Language is an instrumental tool in empowering babies and young children to communicate and express their needs and thoughts while they are pre-verbal and developing spoken language. Bill White is the paramount educator in his field and has brought a deeper bonds, more attuned parenting, and FUN to countless families, including mine. We are forever grateful for his work both personally and within our community.”

Ginny Colbert, Education Director at Natural Resources, San Francisco